6.9.2 - 15 November 2024
- Fixed macOS installer failing on fresh installs.
- Fixed engine var breaking loading.
- Fixed macOS screen saver not saving prefs.
- Successful workaround macOS screen saver issues.
- Smoother frame rate regulation on Windows.
6.9.1 - 05 September 2024
- Fixed V-Bar not saving prefs on Windows.
- Fixed V-Bar not auto-hiding on macOS.
- Fixed Standalone and V-Bar not requesting audio permission on macOS.
6.9.0 - 26 July 2024
- Now building for modern macOS and arm64 under Xcode.
- Now building for modern Windows and compiling using Visual Studio 2022.
- Addressed stability issues for Win64 Standalone.
- Addressed instability with Apple Music (iTunes).
- Stay tuned for a big announcement!
6.8.3 - 26 January 2020
- New WaveShapes: Vesica Piscis Pulse, Closed Space, Holy Moments
- Installer for Windows now handles iTunes installed from Microsoft app store.
- Installer for macOS now better accommodates Mojave and Catalina (to the best that is possible).
6.8.2 - 25 October 2018
- Fixed rare line drawing crash.
- Improved line drawing when auto-generating normals.
6.8.1 - 27 July 2018
- Added setting 'Prevent Display Sleep'
- Improved compatibility with Windows screensavers.
- Addressed JRiver Media Center crash.
- Major updates to Windows no longer require WhiteCap reinstallation.
- Working-around iTunes for Windows issue causing freeze/lockup.
- Fixed OpenGL/Direct3D toggle setting on Windows.
- Fixed macOS screensaver reverting to main display only mode.
- Fixed WhiteCap sometimes not being detected in Windows Media Player or iTunes.
6.8 - 23 December 2017
- Now bundling all-new Windows audio driver called SoundSpectrum Audio Cable, offering audio loopback from the system output to WhiteCap Standalone.
- Added 'Reload Audio Devices' button in Settings.
- On macOS, added new user control over which displays show the screensaver.
- Addressed retina support on macOS High Sierra.
- Added 64-bit support for J River Media Center!
- Enhanced installer detection on Windows for 64-bit iTunes and Windows Media Player.
- Help windows now stay hidden when closed.
- Fixed iTunes not zeroing audio when paused.
- Updated WhiteCap Standalone docs.
6.7.1 - 22 June 2017
- Fixed screen saver for macOS retina displays.
- Fixed not restoring Direct3D state under VirtualDJ.
- Smarter hotkey support for Winamp and MediaMonkey.
- Fixed audio frozen visually when iTunes is paused.
- Fixed prefs not always being saved when quitting iTunes.
6.7 - 21 April 2017
- Added Retina display support on macOS.
- Enhanced UI support for high resolution displays.
- Fixed not getting keystrokes in full screen mode in iTunes.
- Overhauled support for 'UI Menu Scale' setting.
- Album cover art animation is now resolution independent.
- Improved text anti-aliasing quality on Windows.
- Increased default slideshow interval from 20 to 30 seconds.
- Fixed macOS installer overwriting ~/Library permissions.
- Now bundling Virtual Audio Cable with Platinum on Windows.
- Added shadows to white icons.
- Added new WaveShape 'Body and Breath'
6.6 - 12 January 2016
- Fixed WhiteCap wireframe overwriting track animation effects.
- Fixed erroneous console message "Undefined function Refresh()"
- Fixed flashing of junk frames immediately following a resize or fullscreen change.
- Standalone on Windows nows works with Aero's 'auto-snap'
- Addressed fullscreen mode state issues under iTunes and in Standalone.
- Fixed stability issues for the OS X screen saver.
- Standalone for Windows now only changes the input device volume if below 50%.
- More console messages when in partial or debug console mode.
- Aesthetic tweaks to some track animations.
- For large viewports, UI items now auto-scale up in size (UI.AutoScaleFromHeight).
- No longer using special key mapping under Winamp.
- Full debug mode no longer generates a debug log file on disk.
- Fixed network-based album cover art not loading on Windows.
- Album cover art now loads more smoothly under Windows Media Player.
- Now looking for album cover art under WMP more aggressively (e.g. folder.jpg).
- Now gracefully handling cover art that fails to load.
- Fixed track animation not translucent under Direct3D.
6.5 - 05 February 2016
- Workaround for iTunes fullscreen mode flag bug that caused cursor to persistently be hidden and ESC fail to exit fullscreen.
- Improved 32-bit iTunes detection for Windows.
- Improved artist string extraction logic for Windows Media Player.
- Track text animation fixes.
6.4.1 - 04 February 2015
- Added 64-bit support for iTunes 12.1 under Windows.
- Fixed case where track text didn't always appear when pressing 'T'.
6.4 - 13 January 2015
- Frames are now synchronized with the display device to prevent frame tearing.
- Now supporting VirtualDJ on Windows!
- Fixed audio processing issue that sometimes impaired live audio responsiveness when running WhiteCap Standalone, V-Bar, or Screen Saver.
- Now only supporting 10.6 and later on OS X.
- Fixed OpenGL render to texture issue affecting stability.
6.3.1 - 25 June 2014
- Addressed track text animation not appearing under some audio players.
- Addressed compatibility issue under OS 10.5.
6.3 - 16 May 2014
- Config author attribution now appears under the config's name in the UI.
- Scripting now uses Python, making authoring scripts easier and open-ended.
- Improved track text animation cuing, takedown, and aesthetics.
- Enhanced support for iTunes and Windows Media Player track info while streaming.
- All configs now loaded via the package (VisPackage) subsystem.
- Improved audio responsiveness.
- Fixed BASS variable not getting updated in WaveShapes.
- Fixed Standalone issue causing an audio input error on some Windows systems.
6.2 - 05 March 2014
- Improved stability of fullscreen mode switching.
- Added thumbnails for the OS X System Preferences screen saver panel.
- Inserted workaround for ATI driver bug on older Macs that was causing white squares to be displayed in track text animation.
- Addressed installer permissions and compatibility issues under OS 10.5.
- All python files now use 4 spaces instead of tabs.
- Internal python cleanup.
6.1.3 - 17 January 2014
- Fixed bug where album cover art would often fail to display in track text animation.
- Fixed issue where system font names containing non-ASCII characters would cause an error when track text animation was initiated (common on non-English systems).
- Cosmetic edits to the 'Fold' track text animation.
6.1.2 - 29 November 2013
- Fixed issue where changing Themes was causing an error.
- Fixed screenshots accidentally capturing the on-screen UI.
- Added a button to the main button group that toggles fullscreen mode.
6.1.1 - 21 November 2013
- Fixed crash issues when running multiple instances.
- Fixed screenshots sometimes being blank.
6.1 - 27 September 2013
- All-new track text animation where track text info is now progressively animated!
- All-new SoundSpectrum 'Package' directory structure for python-based content.
- On OS X, now using Apple's new flat package format, requiring OS 10.5 for installation.
- On OS X, the install package is now signed, averting OS 10.8 security warnings.
- Added album cover art and extended track info support for Winamp!
- Added drawer integration support for Winamp.
- Added help window close and toggle buttons.
- Fixed issue where SHIFT+K failed to kill all running scripts.
- Added track year to the track text info animation.
- Enhanced jetAudio support.
- Smarter Direct3D DLL installation on Windows.
- Fixed the Standalone window not getting focus back after fullscreen mode.
- Fixed various full screen mode switching issues.
- Updated the customizing documentation.
6.0.2 - 20 June 2013
- Fixed texture caching bug, reducing load for texture-heavy Backgrounds.
6.0.1 - 15 June 2013
- Fixed presets/favorites sometimes not starting when pressed.
6.0 - 29 May 2013
- Enhanced visual quality of WaveShape mesh drawing.
- All-new Theme and Category config management and customization!
- Major enhancements to the WhiteCap Screen Saver.
- Fixes and improved support for Windows Media Player, Windows Media Center, RealPlayer, J River Media Center, and iTunes.
- The 'Graphics Quality' setting now also sets the mesh density.
- Boot.txt is now gone and has been absorbed into SSEngine.py.
- Added debug 'HUD' to display performance metrics (via SHIFT+D).
5.7.1 - 6 December 2011
- Now using the new iTunes visual API on 32-bit iTunes on OS X (not just 64-bit).
- Restored legacy suport for iTunes versions earlier than 10.5 on Windows.
- Enhanced error handling support for the OS X installer under PowerPC.
- Stability enhancements when running under 64-bit iTunes.
- Fixed OS X installer not detecting if iTunes is running during installation.
- Enhanced support for legacy OpenGL (particularly with OS 10.4 and 10.5).
- Fixed 'Reset All Settings' in the Settings menu.
5.7 - 16 November 2011
- FFT audio data is now auto-normalized, offering automated visual response sensitivity adjustment based on incoming audio. This ensures that you get a visually responsive experience, whether you're listening to Enya or the Eagles.
- Added audio auto-detect, which auto-scans all audio input sources for an active audio source. This new feature is enabled by default for the screen saver and can be enabled for the V-Bar and Standalone.
- Added UI elements in the screen saver control panel/settings to set the audio auto-detect, the preferred audio source, the frame rate, and the current visual preset.
- Improved screen saver and V-Bar support, including the internal sharing of audio devices so that multiple engine instances can now visualize the same audio source.
- The V-Bar for Windows now supports multiple display devices.
- Fixes to tile modes in the V-Bar.
- Added 7 all-new Backgrounds.
- Added 64-bit support for iTunes and Standalone on OS X.
- Added 64-bit support for Windows Media Player and Windows Media Center.
- Addressed an issue where WhiteCap would hang on exit due to a deadlock.
- PREF_AUDIO_INPUT_SOURCE now stores an audio name instead of an index so that the wrong source will no longer be used when if audio devices are added or removed from the system.
- Now mangling ObjC classnames to prevent OS X namespace collisions within iTunes and the OS X screen saver subsystem.
- Fixed issue where clicks were not hitting UI elements.
- Significantly improved OS X and Windows audio input source detection and handling.
- Now using the latest DirectX SDK, increasing drawing performance on some Windows systems.
- Fixed issue under Windows where the full screen resolution selection list was empty.
- Various install/uninstall fixes for J. River Media Center.
- The console now has multiple verbose modes.
- Addressed issue where license code validation would mistakenly fail or the engine would mistakenly report that it needs to be reinstalled.
- OS X and Windows installer improvements for better compatibility.
- Removed Google Desktop support (since it has been discontinued by Google).
5.6.0 - 25 March 2011
- Added several new Backgrounds!
- Added GIF image support.
5.5.0 - 17 February 2011
- Internal OpenGL revisions to support OpenGL ES2.
- Addressed VBO bug for OpenGL, resulting in improved drawing performance.
- Less per-vertex work in Direct3D, resulting in improved drawing performance.
5.4.3 - 07 December 2010
- Resolved OS 10.4 issue where WhiteCap would crash on startup.
- Now building Python under gcc 4.2 for enhanced performance under OS X.
- Fixed the cursor not being hidden in full screen mode under Windows.
5.4.2 - 03 December 2010
- Added 64-bit screen saver support for OS X.
- Now using Python statically, mildly enhancing Python's performance.
5.4.1 - 22 November 2010
- Internal graphics engine enhancements for more consistent performance and quality across systems. SoundSpectrum now uses an all-shader model for vertex and fragment processing under Direct3D (see the Resources/Shaders dir).
- Added "Slideshow.EnableOnStartup" pref for ConfigSets to prevent slideshow mode from being enabled on startup.
- Now using new approach to regulate frame rate under iTunes in order to address erratic frame rates introduced under iTunes 10.
- Added new keystroke-based save and recall scheme to replace the "CTRL X" scheme. Press SHIFT+W and then 'X' to write the script "Key X.txt", or press SHIFT+R and then 'X' to read the script "Key X.txt".
- Added "MostRecent.ResumeOnStartup" pref for ConfigSets to cause the most recently run config to load on startup.
- Resolved switch to full screen mode issues on multiple display device setups.
- Fixed RealPlayer support.
- Fixed OS 10.4 compatibility issues.
- Worked around OS 10.6 screen saver issue causing error messages to appear in the system log (Apple bug report filed).
- Various fixes to full screen mode on OS X.
- Fixed hang on exit under OS X if the local network doesn't have an internet connection.
5.4 - 16 September 2010
- Several new Backgrounds and WaveShapes.
- Complete rewrite of OS X Standalone to use modern full screen mode such that the other display devices are available for normal use.
- Fixed enabling/disabling of WaveShapes, ColorSchemes, and Backgrounds not persisting.
- Fixed hang on exit under OS X if the local network doesn't have an internet connection.
- Addressed issue where double-clicking in WMP would cause a blank screen or crash.
- 'CTRL+SHIFT+X' scripts are now written to the prefs directory instead of the engine directory to accommodate the fact the current user may not have write permission to the engine directory.
- Now signing all executables on Windows to prevent anti-virus false positives.
5.3 - 26 March 2010
- 3 new Backgrounds and 4 new WaveShapes by Andy!
- Fixed screen saver crash in some cases under OS X.
- Addressed the "black screen" issue in Windows Media Center (caused by an issue in WMC).
- Addressed issue where double-clicking in WMP would cause a blank screen or crash.
- Fixed depth buffer issues under Windows/Direct3D.
- Fixed fail to enter to full screen mode in the Standalone app on OS X.
- Fixed issue where clicking 'Settings' would result in an error on non-English setups.
- Added support for J. River Media Center 15.
- Now using Python 2.6.5.
5.2.2 - 27 August 2009
- Added new WaveShapes and Backgrounds.
- Added install support for non-ASCII OS X user names.
- The GUI controls now detect the presence of WMP 12 and move where they can be clicked.
- Added pref to hide the UI help images.
- Fixed issue where attempts to make 2D textures on (older) GPUs without 3D texture support would fail.
5.2.1 - 19 March 2009
- Improved audio response under WMP on slower systems.
- Added two new WaveShapes.
- Fixed issue where upcoming configs weren't always precached, resulting in occasional stuttering.
- Fixed issue where the config slideshow duration menu was not updated if the slideshow was turned off.
- Fixed issue where WhiteCap wouldn't install properly under Vista x64.
5.2 - 16 January 2009
- To promote third party interest and content development, Backgrounds can now be fully modified, extended, and created (i.e. they no longer reside in a .sstome file).
- Improved WaveShape mesh drawing performance and appearance.
- Major internal implementation enhancements.
- Upgraded from Python 2.5 to Python 2.6.
- Direct3D compatibility enhancements.
- Addressed issue where WhiteCap would fail to start if the x86 version of WMP is run on Vista x64 system under a non-admin user (due to the NSIS's faulty RegDLL).
- By popular request, WhiteCap no longer overrides the right-click menu in Windows Media Player.
- Fixed issue where WhiteCap for iTunes would sometimes fail to be properly registered if installed by a non-admin user on Windows.
- Windows Media Center and Windows Media Player compatibility enhancements.
- Added support for J. River Media Center 13.
- Pref keys are now arbitrary length strings (rather than four character strings).
- A message is now shown if a preset is pressed but hasn't yet been set.
- Fixed broken screen shots under Mac OS X.
5.1.5 - 13 August 2008
- Improved support for Windows Media Center.
- Stability enhancements for Windows Media Player.
- Improved Windows Vista installation support.
5.1.4 - 11 July 2008
- Improved full screen support under Windows.
- Fixed stability issue triggered when a version update was detected.
5.1.3 - 07 July 2008
- Cosmetic enhancements to the UI.
- Improved OS X installer permissions handling.
- 7 new WaveShapes by Andy.
5.1.2 - 27 June 2008
- New Windows screen saver "Display on all monitors" mode.
- Fixed issue that was causing multi-account installations to fail under OS X.
- Improved frame rate regulation (preventing frame rate degradation on certain Windows systems).
- Fixed installer issue that was sometimes causing WhiteCap to not appear in J. River Media Center.
- Improved OS X full screen support for non-standard display devices.
- Added workaround for certain IDirect3D9 methods that modify the x87 control word that was causing side effects in host players (e.g. audio encoding).
- Added new pref PREF_WAVESHAPE_LINE_WIDTH_SCALE which allows all WaveShape line widths to be globally scaled.
- Fixed issue that was causing the V-Bar to crash when running under Vista or when switching users.
- Fixed the config "TriRave".
- New Background config "Ambient".
- Enhanced performance in iTunes.
5.1.1 - 13 May 2008
- Fixed OpenGL texture stability issue triggered on machines having a texture width limit of 2048 or less.
- Fixed Windows installer issue where a message would appear on startup saying that an error occurred and to contact SoundSpectrum support.
- Added workaround for a Mac OS 10.3 installer issue where files from a previously installed version were not being overwritten by the files from a newly installed version.
- The default full screen resolution mode is now the display device's currently set resolution mode (rather than a preset factory value).
- Fixed "error 18" issue occurring on certain Mac OS X systems.
5.1 - 30 April 2008
- Major OpenGL and Direct3D performance enhancements.
- Completely reworked and enhanced WaveShape mesh drawing, scalable to high resolution monitors and HD screens.
- Added many new Background configs.
- Fixes and enhancements to fullscreen support.
- Fixed stability issue present under QMP, Winamp, and iTunes.
- Screen saver fixes and improved multiple display device support.
- Fixed several Windows Vista compatibility issues.
- The installer is now VirtualStore aware, meaning that Windows' default behavior of retaining previously stored installations of WhiteCap will no longer corrupt newly installed versions (which was resulting in numerous problems on certain systems).
5.0.5 - 20 December 2007
- Fixed vertex buffer issue on Windows where performance would significantly decrease following a window resize.
- Fixed issue where the iTunes window would activate several seconds after WhiteCap was turned off.
- Fixed an issue that was causing visual output to stop (and display black) under Windows Media Player.
- Made the Mac OS X installer package more robust.
5.0.4 - 28 November 2007
- Fixed Windows deadlock/freeze issue (no longer using QuickTime under Windows).
- Added workaround for a NVIDIA bug causing driver-level crash or deadlock under Windows Vista.
- Increased drawing performance under DirectX.
- Many fullscreen mode improvements and fixes.
- Many V-Bar fixes and performance enhancements under Windows.
- Added preset "set" button.
5.0.3 - 02 November 2007
- Config enabled/disabled state now persists.
- The V-Bar now uses Direct3D (making it more compatible).
- Fixed J. River Media Center issue where a Direct3D error was causing WhiteCap to report that insufficient hardware was available.
- Fixed issue where WMP would spontaneously exit from fullscreen mode.
- Added workaround for nasty Mac OS X OpenGL memory leak triggered by using non-whole number line width values (see Apple radar 5545171).
- Added a track text size setting in the UI menu.
5.0.2 - 09 October 2007
- Various stability fixes and compatibility enhancements.
5.0.1 - 28 September 2007
- Stability and compatibility fixes.
- Fixed arrow keys not responding when running under Windows.
- Track text can now be disabled or made continuous.
- Fixed "black screen" issue on some Mac Mini and MacBook setups.
- Fixed Platinum installer for Windows where the shortcut to the WhiteCap V-Bar was not being created in the Windows Start menu.
- Fixed issue where exiting from fullscreen mode would cause the window to be in the floating layer.
5.0 - 25 September 2007
- All-new internal drawing API, allowing rich, intricate background visuals.
- All-new "ColorSchemes" config type that makes mesh drawing always unique.
- All-new "Backgrounds" config type that that creates backdrops matching the current ColorScheme.
- All-new GUI that allows the user to navigate through features and options.
- All-new multithreaded computation engine that leverages multicore systems.
- Full hardware 3D acceleration for all animation and effects.
- Added many new configs and features that greatly enhance the overall experience of WhiteCap.
4.7.4 - 13 Feburary 2005
- Fixed parenthesis bug in the script interpreter.
- Renamed the engine prefs file from "Vars.txt" to "Engine Vars.txt".
- Fixed crash when WMP was already in fullscreen and WhiteCap started.
- Fixed crash under jetAudio.
4.7.3 - 03 January 2004
- Faster and better-looking line drawing.
- Raised the factory value of PREF_FFT_NUM_BINS from 59 to 63.
- Added hotkey for toggling "auto" track info.
- Improved audio input device detection for Mac OS X stand-alone version.
- Prefs file has been renamed: (user pref path)/WhiteCap/Preferences (Player Name).txt
- Added support for RealPlayer, Quintessential Player, and foobar2000 (thanks Holger!).
- Added mixer*() support in the Windows stand-alone version, allowing audio input from any audio source.
- Increased robustness under WMP for various skin and viewing scenarios.
- Check for updates is no longer blocking for Windows.
- Fixed WMP crash when using the WMP skin chooser.
- Fixed bug where BASS references in B vars weren't in sync with the "current" audio.
- Much better FFT look and response when running under Musicmatch.
- New HTML documentation design.
- Whitespace is no longer required between the end of a config line and a comment.
- Fixed various issues with the built-in JPEG importer (when QuickTime isn't present).
- Fixed parenthesis bug in the preprocessor's directive interpreter.
- Fixed issue causing a blank screen when WMP was in certain skin modes.
- Fixed installer for XMPlay 3.1.
4.7 - 06 September 2004
- Made Mac OS package installer smarter about detecting if iTunes is running (or not).
- Made Windows installer smarter about dealing with non-C drive Windows installs.
- Made Windows installer more tolerant of sketchy WMP installs.
- Added installer support for WMP 10.
- Added Windows installer support for MUSICMATCH 9.
- Config (and pref) files no longer use commas to delimit items (whitespace now delimits key-value pairs).
- Added check for updates feature for Mac OS X and Windows (and be customized via the PREF_CHECK_FOR_UPDATES pref).
- Fixed issue causing WhiteCap to sometimes fail to start in iTunes when in full screen mode was enabled in iTunes.
- Fixed bug causing instability if a single quote or double quote was used to bind an event (thanks Ralf!).
- Fixed various issues with extended character handling (thanks Ralf!).
- Fixed bug in the Windows stand-alone application that caused audio input to sometimes not be visible.
- Fixed cases where the Windows installer wasn't detecting Winamp 2 or Winamp 5.
- Made the expression evaluator more restrictive for invalid/illegal syntax (so 3rd party configs containing invalid syntax may appear different).
- Added installer support for J. River MEIDA CENTER 11.
- Added keyboard support for WMP (thanks Brian Spangler!).
- Added support to select audio input source (press SHIFT+A while running the stand-alone application to select input sources).
- Added support for 16 bit full screen mode.
- Changed pref and license code storage locations to be more in accordance with OS conventions and permissions.
4.6.1 - 14 June 2004
- Added new prefs.
- Added "line boost" (SHIFT+L will cycle through the factory values).
- Released WhiteCap Special Edition, adding the abilty to display album cover art.
- Added about half a dozen configs that strangely disappeared within the last few months.
- Fixed typo in the boot file that caused no response under jetAudio and MediaMonkey.
4.6 - 02 June 2004
- All engine and runtime scripting enhancements associated from G-Force 4.6 to 4.6.5 (*many* changes and enhancements).
- Various cosmetic tweaks.
- Added splash screen and intro cross fade sequence.
- New pref scheme and added pref documentation (see customizing section).
- Compatibilty with SoundSpectrum Darkroom.
4.5.8 - 12 January 2004
- Changed SetConfig prev/next behavior. When you change configs, you must also turn the slide show off or else the slideshow will continue after an set amount of time (determined by the slide show interval).
- The prefs file is no longer stored in the "WhiteCap" folder. Since each OS has a different location to store common application data, search your system for "WhiteCap Prefs" in order to find it.
- Worked-around a WMP bug that caused a crash when WMP exits with G-Force or WhiteCap running (MS WMP team: delete the current plugin when WMP exits—I can dump a log to prove that you don't!!).
4.5.7 - 30 December 2003
- Fixed bug that caused the current config to instantly jump to the factory config after turning the slideshow on.
- Moved track text duration pref from the prefs file to boot.txt (ie, deleted TDur pref and created SetTrackTextDuration()).
- Fixed cases where track text wasn't appearing in Winamp (thanks Darryl Sperber!).
- Fixed WMP installer issue where a WhiteCap install was getting "forgotten" after a G-Force install.
4.5.6 - 08 December 2003
- Fixed bug that occasionally caused frame rate to spike down.
- Fixed mass "WhtieCap" typo all over the documentation.
4.5.5 - 27 November 2003
- Worked-around Win9X issue causing WhiteCap to not find the desktop (for screenshots).
- Fixed bug where turning the slideshow on or off wouldn't work.
- Updated boot.txt to fix 'SetSlideShowAll' error with right-clicking.
- Fixed bug where WhiteCap could cause Winamp to subsequently crash if exited via the 'x' button.
- New configs.
4.5.4 - 19 November 2003
- For iTunes for Mac OS X, the install location is now "/iTunes Plug-ins" (vs. "/iTunes Plug-ins/Visual Plug-ins").
- Fixed bug causing keystrokes to not get seen under iTunes for Windows.
- Fixed full screen refresh problem for Winamp, Musicmatch, and the stand-alone exe.
- Added a couple configs.
4.5.3 - 16 November 2003
- Fixed situation where iTunes for Mac OS would busy-wait if WhiteCap pane was small (ie, no load).
- Fixed bug where WhiteCap would appear to get no sound in full screen under Winamp and MM.
- WhiteCap for XMPlay released.
4.5.2 - 15 November 2003
- Tweaked behavior/response of fft() (see SetFFTMap() in boot.txt).
- Increased factory FFde (for better more fluid-like response).
- Released for Windows players.
4.5.1 - 13 November 2003
- Fixed CTRL+SHIFT+X/CTRL+X key-based scripting.
- Mac OS X package installer fixes.
4.5 - 11 November 2003
- The foundation completely shares G-Force, providing almost all the improvements and fixes associated with G-Force 2.5.
- Windows Media Player, MUSICMATCH, and iTunes for Windows now supported.
- Now use an excellent freeware Windows installer called Nullsoft Installer System (NSIS).
- ".pkg" installers for iTunes and Audion (under Mac OS X).
4.2.2 - 30 July 2002
- Made Mac OS installer a little smarter.
- Fixed small cosmetic bug causing some fft bins to be drawn to their neighbor 's value, not their own.
4.2.1 - 16 July 2002
- Fixed pref bug causing a variety of pref-related problems.
- About 5 new configs and revision of many configs to make them go faster.
- Fixed minor Mac OS installer issues.
- Added new fullscreen resolution modes.
4.2 - 03 Feburary 2002
- Fixed bug where invalid/corrupt BMP screenshots were being saved.
- A few new configs.
- Added 'MTrs' pref to customize transition rate for configs.
- The fullscreen key has changed from TAB to RETURN.
- The 'Take Snapshot' key has changed from SHIFT+TAB to ` and is in the WC keymap.
- Added new fullscreen resolution modes.
4.1 - 30 September 2001
- Screen/frame capture (SHIFT+TAB).
- About 10 new configs (since v4.0).
- Fullscreen mode is now toggled with TAB.
- Fullscreen resolution is determined by OS's resolution (no more FS_X and FS_Y).
- (Windows) Changed window style to palette/tool style window.
- (Winamp) Scripts more in-sync with track start times.
4.0 - 21 Feburary 2001
- G-Force-like architecture (ie, internal revamp).
- Scriptable.
- Song title text.
- More configs.
- Raised default number of FFT bins.
3.4 - 14 April 1999
- Release for Macast, SoundJam, Winamp, and Sonique
2.3 - 14 May 1999
- First public release for Windows/Winamp
1.0 - 15 March 1999
- First public release for Macast