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This is the best investment i’ve made for pure enjoyment -- and it just keeps getting better with every tweak you make!! The eye candy is simply delicious!! THANKS!! |
- M. Martin |
I been using/viewing G-Force Platinum and Whitecap for 1 1/2 yrs now & I have to give you feedback. All my music plays with media player and GForce & Whitecap. I find your program with its updates are THE most profound visual aid I have seen yet. I have seen some of the MOST incredible images in G.F., W.C as well... For me personally your programs have become an intricate part of my life. I am glad to have found your programs. Thanks, |
- Jeri V. |
I downloaded your free version 2days ago and i was so blown away I borrowed the money from my son. Yesterday we got the Platinum package. I am so pleased with your product... If I had this back in the 60es I would have been (THE MAN). Looking foward to any possible updates. Thanks it will make my surfeing time so much better!! |
- M. Horton |
I have had your program ( paid ) for 5 or 6 or 7 years and have enjoyed all the new plugins throught the years... BUT the newest version, YOU HAVE OUTDONE YOURSELF! WOW.... WOW.... WOW.... I don’t know who to give credit to... Thank you, |
- Robert H. |
I am unable to speak about it. It is very very fantastic. Thank you. |
- Daniel K. |
Congratulations on a truly spectacular product in G-Force... I really enjoy using mine as a screen saver. |
- Jeff C. |
I have been ENJOYING G-Force "Free Trial" for probably too long! I finally had the Opportunity to PURCHACE! One word: AWESOME! THANKS FOR THE great Visuals. |
- Robert H. |
i love you guys--love whitecap--thank you so much--so fantastic--so glad i bought it!!!! |
- Roger L. |
I have softskies and I really love it. Thanks for your great product, |
- Michelle C. |
My family and I enjoy G-Force GOLD with our Media player very very much! and the graphics! Dude! awsome! can’t get enough of it! thank you very much, |
- Tom G. |
I love G-Force. I have told many of my friends about it. I listen to music on Windows Media Player and put my G-Force on and leave it playing all night long. It helps me relax... I could look at those designs forever. It is hard to take your eyes off of them. I will continue to tell friends about it. It is the best screen saver I have ever seen. What I really like is how it keeps time with the music that is playing. I am a musician and really like that aspect about it. That is a wonderful treat. Than you again. |
- Kay S. |
I bought G-Force about a year ago but recently purchased an HD television and can now WATCH my favourite music on the telly! Once again, I must congratulate you on an absolutely fantastic product. Whilst watching it this evening, many thoughts came to mind, but the foremost was simply: Delicious! |
- Lewis B. |
I first tried your free sample download I was so impressed I found myself overwhelmed with amazement. It just captured me in a spell I found myself watching it every night so I decided to upgrade! |
- Harry L. |
G-Force is like the best dream!!! Good good good! The creator of the visualization is a real magician! Thank you for everyday dreams... |
- Dunoir X. |
What do I think about WhiteCap? It blows me out of the water! I thought G-Force was addictive and worse than Solitaire for wasting time in front of the computer, but Whitecap takes the cake - it’s totally mesmerizing. I’m a musician, and to see the sounds as pictures is an experience that at times brings tears to my eyes. |
- John K. |
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