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My 64-year-old eyes were beginning to "burn out" starting about February this year, and I was having constant eye-burning... When I upgraded to your G-Force version with the V-Bar feature and added this to the left of my work screen--I was amazed that literally within hours, both the burning ceased and my tightened focus range issue totally went away. This favorable effect was so pronounced that I noticed it immediately. There is something at work here that, not being a vision expert of any type, I simply don’t understand, but I assure you that, whatever it is, it works and works well.
I still work the extended hours I did before--15 to 18 hours daily--but I no longer have any adverse effects from this. Thank you for creating V-Bar and G-Force. They not only are an incredibly beautiful and totally unique new art form but they have also ensured the successful completion of my project. I am truly grateful for what you have provided me. I highly recommend the use of V-Bar as an eye-reliever in environments requiring extensive computer viewing. |
- James L. |
I can’t tell you just how impressed I’ve been with the software I really think it’s great. My wife and I spent the whole weekend just staring at the G-force images. I cant say I’ve come across such an artistic use for my PC in a while. |
- Gavin T. |
Hello and Thank You So Much for these spectacular visualizations! G-Force/WhiteCap really brightens time spent at the computer---such life-enhancing artwork (think of it as Affordable Therapy;-). Also helps get the creative juices flowing! I was recently introduced to G-Force---right away I knew this was nothing ordinary! G-Force is going on all the time my PC’s powered on---using it as my screensaver, in V-Bar mode, with music and without. Your rich colors, textures, lines and shapes are captivating---and the constant variety is phenomenal. Add an easily customizable toolbar to all that and wow, nothing else is needed. I also enjoy showing it off to others. Great great product! Those others just don’t compare. |
- Toni M. |
Just want to say that I think G force is absolutely awesome and keep the visualisations coming - I recommend G force to all my friends and they have all been knocked out by the fantastic effects - nothing I have ever seen has topped it yet - you are truly leading the way - more please!!! |
- Jan L. |
I downloaded the freeware version of G-Force and it took me about five milliseconds to decide to buy the Gold version. You guys are geniuses! I can’t believe how uniformly wonderful your visualisations are. Congratulations and thank you. |
- Will G. |
Now I am at G-force Platinum and I LOVE, not like, LOVE IT! What amazes me most is that I run the same CD in both iTunes and WMP, but the results are never the same. Ever since I first started using your products you all have been at the forefront of visualization in my opinion and have added so much great stuff since your first release. |
- Benjamin S. |
This is the most awe inspiring thing I have seen for a long time and I feel that there are many far reaching applications for this program such as in the healing arts both mental, physical and spiritual. When I’m watching it while listening to beautiful music, at times I almost feel as if the secret of life is being revealed to me before my very eyes.
Tonite I laid on my couch with a thunderstorm brewing outside, lightning flashing in the sky, a fan blowing across my face and candles lit about whilst listening to Ghazal, beautiful sounds of India, and watching your visualization on my computer screen. It was a sublime and religious experience. I never want to be without this visualization program. Thank you so Much~! |
- Terri A. |
Firstly, I want to thank everybody behind the creation and development of G-Force, and Whitecap, absolutely marvellous stuff..... I can sit listening to the same track for hours, just drinking in the richly intuitive displays, which constantly amaze and thrill more senses than the purely visual..... another user of G-Force commented that there is something DEEP going on here..... I totally agree..... there are times when I sit here NEEDING to go to the bathroom, and I just dare not leave the screen for fear of missing a few seconds of this fabulous stuff which feels as if it’s brushing the dust off my soul !! |
- Phil P. |
This is incredible stuff and I write that as a 64year old man who has seen it all. You want really strangely beautiful patterns? Try your product out on Kitaro (Japanese, New Age, one of the pioneers), Dave Brubeck (the White Progressive Jazzist) and Thelonious Monk (The Black, Progressive Jazz, father of them both.) Very happy with your product, |
- Jim L. |
The night I installed G-Force I had planned to do my taxes. Oh Well !!! I sat entranced for over four hours staring at the amazing and beautiful work that you folks have created. The colors and variations seem endless. I have told everyone and anyone who has a computer to download this program if they don’t download anything else for the rest of their lives!! Great Work, Guys !!!!!!!! I can’t wait to see what you come up with next. Sincerely in Awe, |
- Bob N. |
My hats off to Andy and the rest of the team for developing such amazing visual art... As a musician myself, the combination of musical sounds and visual effects has been waiting for creative expression such as this. G-Force is clearly the next generation of "eye candy"! Keep up the inspiring work. Regards, |
- Tom S. |
G-Force gold is completely awesome like I expected and I have to say thanks again for offering one of the best programs ever developed for the PC. I truly believe that Soundspectrum is visionary in paving the way for the future of this new type of artistic expression that blends audio sounds with visual imagery... |
- Thomas S. |
All I can say about G-Force is WOW and DOUBLE WOW!!!!!!!!!! It’s like a professional light show. I especially like it with instrumental music. |
- David E. |
The upgrade is awesome! What an amazing programming feat! The constantly shifting randomized graphic display is very pleasing to the eye and stimulating to the brain. Thanks again!!! |
- Warren W. |
Oh my god, you weren’t kidding. G-Force Gold is awesome. There’s only one big problem with it though, how can I get any work done? I need to keep watching it - it’s so cool. As a Software Engineer myself I can really appreciate what an incredible piece of work it is. If there was such a thing as a Nobel prize for software, I’d be nominating you guys :-) |
- Derek D. |
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