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I have recently bought G-Force. And i have to tell everyone that this is the only site that is true to its word. This site is unbelivable to experience. I feel that i paid to little for what i am getting. This is beyound a doubt a go. Thank you G-Force. |
- William D. |
I’ve been a big fan of G-Force since early in version 2, and WhiteCap longer than that. Thanks for your great work! |
- Phil R. |
This is Incredible. I can’t stop watching for fear that I may miss something. I just know the colors and patterns are so Awesome. Sometimes I just look and try to see what i can make of some of the patterns. For exmp. sometimes i see a waterfall cascading and then i’ll see a butterfly pattern. It’s just incredible!!!! |
- Karon T. |
AWESOME! This is amazing! I have it playing on my computer all the time. Obviously, the best visual on the market, hands down!!! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! |
- J. Vanider |
What can I say, WoW? Wow doesn’t even come close. When I found G-Force I found a product that blew away my expectations for a visual plug-in, it works as a stand alone with media players, screen saver and side bar. There was no question I had to have it. G-Force and the entire SoundSpectrum staff are AWESOME. Thank You for all the time I spend in amazement at your creations. |
- Greg E. |
G-Force is so beautiful, it calms me, relaxes me, and lowers my blood pressure. |
- G. Ertur |
Gents - just wanted to let you know that WhiteCap is hot!!! Exactly what I was looking for. I spent a while messing around with free plugins which are a pain to install, and are usually rubbish. Then I found your site, and was a little unsure of your product, but within 10 minutes of downloading the free version, I signed up for the Platinum version. The variation, interpretation of the audio, and customisation options are first class. Keep up the good work! |
- Sebastian T. |
simply lovely,so beautiful.... inspires my music... it gives it another dimension.. the best is how it moves according to the music rhythm and tempo. I’d like to greet the developers for that software and by keeping updating the software graphics variation.... |
- Maznad O. |
Realmente acompaña la música con imágenes delicadas y dulces. Hace sentir el espacio muy acogedor. gracias. (i’ll try to say the same in english) It’s the best music complement. It shows us refined and sweet images. It make me feel in a warm place. thanks. |
- Inés P. |
I think this is the greatest thing since electricity. I love it and all the special effects that this software offers. You’ll never know how much I love to watch & listen to my music for hours. It’s hard to take my eyes off of it. I’m still amazed at all the beautiful colors and images... Keep up the fantastic work. Actually I don’t think you could get it to look any better than it already does. May God Bless You! |
- Gayle J. |
Yet again G-Force keeps coming up with the goods. The updates really do bring something new to the palette of wonderfulness that is g-force and performance improvements as well. The ability to place your photos into the visual mix is a superb touch. I spent (if you ask my mother she would say "wasted") 15 years dj’ing and no amount of parcans/roboscans/lasers/naked dancers can attract the level of interest I get from people when they see G-Force up and running. Hurrah for G-force - long may the psychedelic **** go on. |
- Simon D. |
Hi all - I Have G-Force GOLD - Ive had it for AGES - STILL LOVE IT - Was Great on my old Monitor - But Ive just come into 21st Century - Bought a Big Flat screen Monitor... PC loves it - The Variety of Graphics are immense - Never see the same thing twice!!! - EVER - Awesome bit of software... Very Impressed by the whole Package... Oh and the way one visualization MERGES into the next is Awesome - I Must have watched this for Hours and Hours over a period of time and it never stops amazing me - and Blowing me away with the sheer awesomeness!!!! |
- Shaun W. |
I couldn’t be happier with the product or the support. My wife and kids love it! Rock on.... Thank you, |
- Terry L. |
All of you at SoundSpectrum deserve medals the size of dustbin lids. Great products flawlessly delivered and presented. I’ve bought G-Force, SoftSkies and WhiteCap - all in the platinum versions - well worth the money considering the time spent watching the visuals. Only problem is deciding which one to use! Thanks for all your work bringing us these products. |
- Steve W. |
For the first time my computer is interesting and a wonder to watch, thanks G-force, |
- Kim R. |
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