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My music has never looked so good! I turn it on almost every night and watch and listen until I fall asleep. You guys even brought back romance and candlelight dinners to my wife and I... countless times. Beautiful rays of colors to beautiful music is more than I can put into words. I am a customer for life. You guys are the best thing to happen to digital music. Thank You very much. |
- Charles B. |
Its so good that sometimes when friends are round, we dont need the music on, and have just had the screen on without sound. Jolly good work. |
- Sean P. |
Hi i recently purchased G-Force (gold) and all i can say fellows is, as we Australians would say, YOU BLOODY BEAUTY, what a spectacular bit of gear. Well down. |
- William W. |
G-FORCE is incredible! I can watch it for hours... perfect for after clubbing to wind down. I might have to buy a projector aswell! Thanks ever so much. |
- Tom M. |
I love the g-force platinum i purchased. There are soo many options i haven’t even gone through them all. Thank you. |
- Andrew B. |

 | | I really appreciate the way you worked on trying to find the problem as opposed to just saying it works well, and if doesn’t work well on his computer.... so be it. When I first bought your program I bought the Gold only, and of course this was what inspired me to buy the Platinum. I think the visuals are terrific and I enjoy making various desktop photos with them.
I am sending you two I took as G-force was playing and this is what I did with the visuals in Adobe 6 photo shop. They make great desktop photos, and I like sharing them with friends.
Anyway, I hope you like them and most of all Enjoy! |
- Thomas C. |
Its funny, I can’t imagine having a computer without GFORCE on it. I really enjoy your site, your service, and the product. Thank You very much. |
- Kirk L. (a very happy customer) |
Thank you to all of you at Sound Spectrum for such a jaw dropping, fun and fantastic use of my graphics card when I play my Windows XP Pro Media Player 10. In a word, Awsome! Take care and keep up the magical work. |
- Stuart H. |
I purchased ...and love...the gold version of G-Force. It produces the most awesome screen images i’ve ever seen. The first time I watched it I had an emotional reaction to it that kinda surprised me. It’s a thousand times more interesting than the regular screens in media player 10. |
- Andrea D. |
Just downloaded the latest version of G-Force. It is brilliant. Never before have I seen so many visualizations full of color & vibrancy. My hats off to the creators. I love it. Thanks a million times over. |
- Rick B. |
I have had your software since you started, and I’m still loving it. You guys are geniuses. 100 times the best visuals I could ever dream up (this goes for Whitecap as well).I could go on all day. TOPS on my list! Please keep the updates coming - I will continue to spread the word - of the best visual graphics known to a PC! Again, KUDOS! |
- David N. |
I just want to let you know how much I enjoy G-Force. I play all my music through my computer, and G-Force is always playing on the screen. Even my mother, who’s 88 years old, likes to stand in front of the PC just to watch! |
- Robin H. |
This is the best thing that ever happened to me! G-Force Platinum has made windows media player so amazing now i cant help but run it every time i’m on the computer. Thanks G-Force producers! Amazingly good! |
- Peter M. |
Just downloaded g-force gold......WOOOOOOW, amazing, un-real, pinned me into the back of my chair.....warning dont put this through a 42 inch plasma, like i did, mind blowing!!!!!
Yes i did do that, downloaded your product for an up and coming birthday, all music will be played via my laptop on to a 42 inch plasma, just road tested it, absolutley un-real. Loaded up to i-tunes, no probs, no slowness, totally controlable.
I have searched the internet for years looking for something like this, downloaded your free trial, 10 minutes thats all it took to buy it, cant believe the price.....anyone out there looking for visualisations, you cant get better than this... Honest... if you’re still looking for the ultimate freebie, they dont exist. But what you can get is fantastric visuals at a fantastic price... Best entertainment ever, AWSOME!!!!!!!!! |
- Ian R. |
A followup after my party. So what happens when you put 30 adults in a room with G-Force, well they go quiet at first in a trance like state, then they start uttering strange words, awesome!!, cool!!, amazing!! Holy **** im being sucked into the TV!!, where u get that!!! How does it work??
No matter what they are talking about, their eyes drift back to the screen mesmerised. They start seeing seahorses, clouds, faces and even God!! they start discussing that its a living thing, knowing, and analysing music far in advance of when its going to be played and are blown away by the tantalising pictures that appear out of the mist, guessing what it could be.
They belive something is more at work here than software, they feel their lives have been touched. They then discuss starting a cult, and want to meet once a month to worship the holy G-Force, bringing their own tunes for the holy G-Force to analyse and give them spiritual guidance. I told them to buy their own!!!
When it came to the spotting of the Holy G-Force repeating itself, they couldnt, not in 7 hours of play time. The keeper of the Holy G-Force had fireworks in celebration of 40 years on this planet, only 4 bothered to watch, the others continued to worship the Holy G-Force in case they offended it. The problem I have her is I bought £50 worth of fireworks, but no, they wanted to worship £12 software, this says something, either their sanity has completely gone or its the best money ive spent.
The only way I could get the mesmerised worshippers out of my house, was to return the Holy G-Force to its silcone heaven, this nearly caused a riot, the host was booed and threats were made to withdraw the sparkling gifts laid at his feet earler in the evening.
This is all true, G-Force made the evening, it really did. After they left I turned it back on for another peek, Ive got it on now, actually Ive always got it on, I cannot sleep, actually I think I need proffesional help!!!!! its taken over, is there G-Force anonomys, wheres my shrink!!!!
Thanx for making my party excellent, interesting, and going with a bang! Keep up all the good work. |
- Ian R. |
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