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I have been watching your G Force software all weekend while listening to my Pink Floyd Collection and they were made for each other. It is @#%&$# incredible. Excuse my French. I have been a long time believer in linking sight and sound and have gone through various incarnations of equipment to achieve that but this blows them all away.
I purchased the Platinum version and am looking forward to using all of its features. Thanks again Andy for creating this. Keep up the great work. I am telling as many people as I can about this great software. Right now my only downside is I do not have a video projector to put it on the walls and ceiling. Thanks again, |
- Brad W. |
Continuing to enjoy G-Force/WhiteCap in all its glory, and in all modes... Just installed the new G-F v3.1.2 --- WOW, it’s even more spectacular----and I speak as an artist/musician---and one who’s sampled mannnny viz programs. This is light years beyond all them others combined. IMHO, what GoogleEarth is to traditional flat maps, G-Force/WhiteCap is to visualizations (visual dessert;-). Happy to tell others about something I personally enjoy so much (plus I know I’m doing them a favor!). If running G-F in all modes most of the time isn’t enough, I also use screenshots as wallpapers. |
- Toni M. |
I just downloaded the new G-Force Platinum 3.1 upgrade. I didn’t think it could be any more beautiful than the last version, but it is. Thank you! It’s just gorgeous. I can see that I will soon be in a state of constant iTuning! |
- Madeleine C. |
Thank you for an amazing addition to my life! I’m a huge fan and have shared my love of G-Force with anyone who will listen! |
- Hava D. |
I just downloaded the free version of your viz Whitecap and I just had to say holy mother of ****!!! Wow! That has got to be absolutely the coolest viz I have ever seen. Its response time and intuitiveness about what music I am playing has completely stunned me. I have been sitting here applauding its many different quirks and the twists and turns of its apparent personality. I am truly impressed here! |
- Danny D. (One impressed dude!) |
WHO I ask.....can pull their eyes away from G-Force Visuals!!! It goes without saying that I’m a walking talking commercial for ya’ll... G-Force is the first thing I say to just about everyone I meet for the first time, grocer clerks, bankers, friends, NO ONE IS SAFE FROM ME! I’m about 2 steps away from knocking on doors saying "have you heard about G-Force?" LOL....because it REALLY REALLY blows me away SPIRITUALLY! It’s taken me to an altogether new dimension I didn’t even know existed! I’m truly amazed and humbled by the work that must have gone on in creating this visual poetry. And lets not forget....it’s just PLAIN FUN! It reminds me of 4th of July fireworks, when you dare not take your eyes away from the night sky, even for a second, because you might miss the most incredible display of the night! :) |
- Candence R. |
I am thrilled. To see G Force working on a 42" plasma is mind numbing. Truly spectacular. I have never gotten so much value and enjoyment from a single product. I tell everyone that this is software that is truly worth buying. |
- Michael N. |
 | | I have been tickled since the day I found G-force, it is just amazing. In the meantime, I thought I would submit a couple of screen shots. I liked them so much I set image one as my desktop and then image two as my hard drive icon. Thanks much and keep up the great work. |
- Prescott P. |
You have created one of the greatest programs to run on a PC/Mac and I feel everyone should experience G-Force. I’ve been running G-Force since I discovered it two years ago on Sonique media player. I now run it in WMP and the latest version is mind blowing!. It is the center piece of my house parties. It’s amazing how it makes people feel when you see them get into it. Truly amazing piece of software. |
- Tom T. |
This creation you have made is absolutely superb and it amazes me every single time I use it. In fact, the V-Bar is going right now at the left of my monitor! Thank you for such a sick visualizer and you have my dedicated business in the future. |
- Chris M. |
I’m stunned, amazed and overwhelmingly impressed. I’d never come across this or anything like it before, and I had no idea a piece of software could be so beautiful. Thank you! |
- Paul D. |
Thank you so much for the Platinum. I loved the Gold but this one is even better. I bought an i-Pod the other week and was so pleased to find G-Force as one of the visualizations in i-Tunes. I always have G-Force on when listening to my music and also have the screensaver. It’s really great to be able to escape from a long day at work surrounded by neurotic lawyers and just relax to my music, G-Force and a chilled white wine.
Many many thanks once again. |
- Marjy S. |
BRAVO! BRAVO! this just keeps getting better. first g-force, then g-force gold, now platinum. I CAN’T STAND IT! the screensaver is the perfect addition. thanks. |
- Troy H. |
I have G-Force going and it is fantastic. It is cheap at twice the price. The creators of this system are geniuses. Megathanks, |
- Reg R. |
Congrats on the truly fantastic G-Force Gold visualisation for my Windows Media Player 10. I am absolutely gobsmacked at what it can do (British slang I’m afraid for totally fazed)! |
- Mike G. |
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